Connect Platform

Unlock the Power of Engagement in one platform

Transform the way you engage with employees and stakeholders regardless of industry. We combine the tools companies need to communicate, train, motivate, and meet. This way, we enable you to drive learning, desired behavior, and stronger results. One platform, One partner to impactful engagement.

Holistic Engagement Ecosystem

Connect is more than just a platform; it’s a complete engagement ecosystem. Choose the tools appropriate to you. Our modular and flexible platform allows customization to fit your projects and not just like any other off-the-shelf solution. We provide an all-in-one platform to create lasting engagement that elevates stronger results.

Reach your Potential and Accelerate Growth

The Value of a project is equal to the Content you create and the Planning you put around it. The level of participant Engagement is a factor that can either decrease or increase the value. Consensus help to unlock the power of engagement and, by doing so, elevate the value of the entire organization.


When people are engaged, they are empowered to learn, cooperate, and ultimately drive stronger results

Elevate Engagement with a White-label Platform

We tailor the Connect platform to your needs, creating branded universes, personalized training, and captivating meetings and events. Available as both a web responsive platform and native app, our white-label solutions align with your goals and brand identity.

End-to-End Support

We’re not just another software provider. With Consensus, you gain a trusted partner who is dedicated to your success. From onboarding and implementation to ongoing support and guidance, we are with you every step of the way. Our team of experts collaborates with you, offering strategic insights and best practices to optimize your engagement initiatives and drive exceptional results.

Data-Driven Insights

Harness the power of data with Connect’s reporting and analytics. Gain valuable insights into learner progress, engagement retention, and performance metrics. Measure the effectiveness of your training programs, track event success, and make informed decisions to enhance your engagement strategies continually. Connect equips you with the information you need to refine your initiatives and drive continuous improvement.

“As we implemented the solution, built our studio for engaged broadcasting, and held our first meeting through the Consensus platform, we discovered that we could do even more. Their service offering serves as a “one-stop-shop” platform for all our engagement requirements - spanning across communicate, train, motivate, and meet.”

Ready to revolutionize your company with Consensus Connect?